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Individual Credit Cards
The College will provide corporate credit card to Vice-Presidents and select employees whose Job Description (JDQ) specifies frequent travel is required for College business.
The card is provided to facilitate travel and related expenses, and is not to be used to acquire goods and services that are required to comply with the College’s Purchasing Policy. Generally most Corporate credit cards issued to support employee work related travel will be issued as “limited use” cards, with the cards only be valid for gas, lodging and food purchases.
Each month the cardholder must submit to the Office of Business Affairs receipts, documentation (as outlined in the Travel & Entertainment Policy) for each expense and the appropriate budget code (FOAPAL) to which the expense should be charged. The employee’s Vice-President must sign off on the expense reports prior to submission to Business Affairs. Vice-President Designee signatures will not be accepted. Employees are encouraged to use the Travel & Entertainment Report forms, however, as long as all the appropriate information and signatures are provided, other forms of documentation are acceptable.
Employees who fail to provide appropriate documentation in a timely manner, or who use the card to purchase goods and services outside of the College’s Purchasing Policy will have their card cancelled.
Each month the Office of Business Affairs will provide each department office with a list of all expenses charged to the card that have not been appropriately documented or are not in compliance with the Corporate Credit Card Policy.
Temporary Credit Cards
Temporary credit cards are also available for employee use. Temporary cards can be issued to a specific employee for a specified period of time, such as for a specific conference or seasonal travel.
Temporary credit cards are issued by the Procurement Office, at the request of the employee’s supervisor.
Departmental Credit Cards
Credit cards can be issued to specific departments. A department credit card will be issued with a $0 credit limit, with all purchases requiring pre-approval from the Procurement Office, via the Credit Card Purchase Request Form. Upon approval of the purchase the Procurement Office will increase the credit limit to accommodate the purchase, with the department being able to complete the order on their own. This card lends itself well to internet orders or in cases where department need to expedite a purchase by going directly to the store for pick up.