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Approval Authority:  President's Cabinet

Responsible Executive:  VP for Enrollment and Marketing

Responsible Office:  Marketing and Communications

Owner Contact:  Assistant VP for Marketing and Communications

Reviewed By:  President's Cabinet

Reviewed Date:  10/24/17

Last Revised and Effective Date of Revision:  10/24/17


*Brief Overview of the Policy

This policy outlines the requirements and procedures for posting messages and promotional advertisements to the Digital Message Center.

Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines for content posted on the Digital Message Center.

Scope of the Policy: Entities or Individuals affected by this policy

It is expected that all members of the Siena College community will comply with this policy. The document also provides supplemental policy for outside licensees wishing to advertise events on the Digital Message Center in accordance with the College’s Conference Services and Outside Rentals Policy.  

The Official Policy

Siena’s Digital Message Center was erected in July of 2017. The primary purpose of the Digital Message Center as outlined in Presidential correspondence to the Siena community at the time of construction is to communicate significant campus events and successes while serving messaging that seeks to enhance our value and brand to the thousands of people who see it daily.

  1. Operation

The Digital Message Center is operational from 5:01 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. 365 days per year. The College has volunteered to turn the sign off (run blank screen) from midnight until 5 a.m. each day in an effort to be a good neighbor. The sign automatically dims to 10% of its daytime setting (7000 nits down to 700 nits) at sunset each day.

Siena’s Facilities Management Department is responsible for the upkeep and functionality of the sign.

  1. Content

The College’s Office of Marketing and Communications is responsible for all content posted to the Digital Message Center and for approving or denying requests to have content added.

Requests to have content posted to the Digital Message Center must be e-mailed to communications@siena.edu at least one week prior to the day/time the message is scheduled to appear and include:

  • Brief description of event/message to promote
  • Date of event (if applicable)
  • Date(s) requested for message to appear

The Office of Marketing and Communications will use the following guidelines to determine if/when a message advertising an event will appear on the Digital Message Center:

  • The event is a college-sponsored/hosted event
  • The event is open to the general public and can support a sizeable crowd (200+)
  • The event enhances the reputation and/or awareness of the College
  • The event appeals to broadly diverse audiences
  • The event is student-centered
  • The event positively reflects the Siena brand

The Office of Marketing and Communications will use the following guidelines to determine if/when a promotional message will appear on the Digital Message Center:

  • The message reflects the Siena brand and is consistent with College’s graphic standards
  • The message is, or can be, short (seven words or fewer)
  • The message has potential to increase demand for Siena College
  • The message is student-centered
  • The message is likely to appeal to broadly diverse audiences
  • The message celebrates a personal or departmental achievement that brings local, regional or national acclaim to the College
  1. Outside Events

The College’s Office of Business Affairs, Marketing and Communications and Athletics Department have established the following additional guidelines for outside organizations hosting events on Siena’s campus.

  • The Digital Message Center is the only location for event advertising permitted on the exterior boundaries of campus (other than directional signage)
  • Outside vendors can purchase advertising inventory on the Digital Message Center provided it broadly conforms with the guidelines outlined above
  • Sign inventory can not be purchased for personal notices, such as weddings or birthdays
  • The advertising fee will be negotiated as part of the College’s contract with vendor but will not be less than $250/day. Multiple-day/event discounted rates are permissible as determined by the Office of Business Affairs and/or Athletics Department.

* Exceptions

If an outside event brings local, regional or national prestige to the College – as determined by the Office of Marketing and Communications - the advertising fee can be waived.

Special requests from, or approved by, the Office of the President

* Resources

Siena College Conference Services and Outside Rental Policy

Athletic Department Facilities License Agreement

Town of Colonie Zoning and Land Use: Article XV

Adopted:  10/24/17 (President's Cabinet)

Reviewed:  10/24/17 (President's Cabinet)

Revised:  n/a