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For Students
The MacDonnell Career and Internship office offers an array of services and resources to help you throughout your years here at Siena College. Your Education for a lifetime will take you many places, and we want to help you get there.
You do not have to know the answer to "what you will be" in order to meet with one of our counselors. We are here to guide you as you figure it out.
Appointments are face-to-face (or zoom!), one-on-one discussions with a Career Counselor to discuss anything career related such as:
- Identifying your interests, skills and values
- Discovering careers and connecting them to your interests
- Administering and interpreting self assessments
- Choosing a major or a minor
- Using CareerSaint, LinkedIn, ePortfolios, and other tools
- Conducting mock interviews for a class or job
- Networking with alumni and professionals in your field(s) of interest
- Writing and critiquing resumes and cover letters