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Connecting on Campus

Thank you for your interest in hiring and/or employing Siena students. There are a number of ways to increase your organization's visibility on campus. 

  • The easiest thing to do is to post open positions (full time, part time, and/ or internships) in CareerSaint.
  • Attend events on campus like our Fall Accounting and Finance Fair, Winter STEM Fair, Spring Career, Internship, & Graduate School Fair, and other career-related events.
  • Conduct on-campus interviews for jobs or internships within your organization. If you cannot come to campus, we have a video-conferencing room for virtual interviews. Please contact us at (518)783-2339 for more information. 
  • Host an information table  and interact with students in a high-traffic area.  Please call for more information or to schedule a date to host a table.
  • Inquire about becoming one of our sponsored employers for the entire academic year. These are limited opportunities that offer a variety of ways to connect with the Siena community.