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For Our Alumni 


Once a Saint, always a Saint. As a Siena graduate, you will continue to have access to all the counseling services and resources that were available to you as a student. And then some.

Alumni Career Counseling

Counselors are available to meet with alumni to assist with career assessment and planning. We can also help connect you with other alumni in your field. To schedule an appointment call (518) 783-2339 or log in to CareerSaint. 

Posting Jobs

We are happy to help post opportunities that are available to qualified graduates. 

If you are interested in posting a job opening that requires three or more years of experience, email us at careermail@siena.edu. We will post your position to the Siena College Alumni Group on LinkedIn. 

If you are interested in posting a job that requires less experience and is suited for current students, please refer to the links below and follow the instructions for posting jobs to students/ recent alumni.