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Siena College is committed to promoting a learning and working environment where discrimination and harassment is not tolerated. This policy shall apply regardless of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, veteran status, disability, predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status or other basis identified in federal or state law. Acts of discrimination and harassment, which are offenses directed against persons because of their identification with one of these categories, are prohibited under this policy. This policy prohibits discrimination and harassment in all College programs and activities. Conduct prohibited by this policy also may violate laws enforced through the public criminal justice system. Individuals may decide to utilize both this policy and the public criminal justice system, simultaneously, to address covered conduct. Siena College proceedings that involve alleged violations of this policy will be conducted through a process that is prompt, equitable, fair, impartial, and provides adequate notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard.
This policy applies to conduct involving students, employees, or third parties (e.g., contractors, alumni, visitors) that: (a) occurs on College property, (b) takes place in any College-sponsored program or activity such as travel, research or internship programs or (c) when such conduct may have a continuing adverse effect or could create a hostile environment on campus. This policy also applies to student conduct that occurs off College property.
Our commitment is rooted in the Franciscan and Catholic tradition, which affirms the unique worth of each person and shares a commitment to building a world that is more just, peaceable and humane. The dignity of the individual should never be violated in any way, and the college community views, with seriousness, violations of this policy against any person.
Accordingly, Siena College is committed to:
- Defining conduct that constitutes discrimination and harassment.
- Providing clear reporting options for all members of our campus and visitors following disclosing a violation of this policy.
- Promptly responding to and investigating allegations of discrimination and harassment, including taking steps to eliminate a hostile environment if one has been created and prevent the recurrence of future incidents of discrimination and harassment. The College’s response may include pursuing disciplinary action when appropriate, referring the incident to local authorities when appropriate and taking action to investigate and address any allegations of retaliation.
- Providing ongoing assistance and support to members of our campus who file complaints of discrimination and harassment.
- Providing awareness and prevention information on discrimination and harassment, including disseminating our policies, implementing training, and educational programs for all College constituents.