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Academic Support Resources:

  • Academic Success Center: The Academic Success Center supplement the work of faculty advisors and are available to answer questions regarding academic advising, support services, and academic policy issues.
  • Tutoring Services: Siena College offers group and individual tutoring for all currently registered students at no additional charge. 
  • Writing Center: The Writing Center assists students with writing assignments, reading comprehension, oral presentations, and multimedia projects in any discipline, including brainstorming, planning, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing.
  • Registrar’s Office: The Registrar’s Office coordinates the course registration process, degree verification, pass/fail options, and transcript requests.
  • Career & Internship Center: Siena College’s Career and Internship Center’s mission is to prepare students and alumni to live a purposeful life.  By leveraging our ecosystem of partners and connections, we orchestrate a vast array of career services and experiential learning opportunities.
  • Academic Policies: The College outlines several key academic-related policies in one centralized location, including: 

Appeal of Assigned Grades: Students wishing to dispute a final grade may do so     within 60 days of receiving their grade report.

Academic Integrity Policy: Policies and process for students accused of academic dishonesty in a course.

Internship Policy: Information regarding for-credit and not-for-credit internships

Leave & Withdrawal Process: Information for students who are not returning to Siena College (short-term or permanent basis). 

Transfer Credit: Information regarding Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, College courses taken in high school, and College transfer credits and how these courses are applied at Siena