Commuter Student Association
The Commuter Student Association, otherwise known as CSA, is the sole voice for the commuter population at Siena College. who serve as a liaison between the commuting body and staff, faculty, and administration.
This year's Student Government Association Winter Elections will take place on Thursday, November 18th, 2021 via SAINTS Connect.
Leadership positions are an exciting opportunity to develop new leadership skills while working with students from diverse backgrounds to create change on campus and give back to the Siena community.
Student leadership is a pivotal part of the Siena Community and it is those involved in Student Government who ensure that Siena not only maintains its illustrious qualities, but improves them each year. It is the governing bodies that make up SGA that allow for this to happen. Participating in the SGA Elections allows you to develop your leadership skills and help out your fellow Saints while doing it.
Commuter Student Association
President - The President shall have the responsibility to call and preside over meetings for the Commuter Student Association. The President shall prepare an agenda for all meetings. They shall work closely with staff and administration regarding the association. The President will serve as the Student Government Association (SGA) Representative for their association and attend all necessary bi-weekly meetings. They will serve as a liaison between SGA and CSA and report back with updated information from the SGA meetings. They will preside on the committee of Student Activities, Student Life Advisory Committee (SLAC), and AVI Committee. (Time Commitment: 15-18 hours per week)
Vice President - The Vice President shall have the responsibility of presiding at meetings in the President's absence. They will assume the Office of the President in the event that the President cannot fulfill the obligation of the office . (Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per week)
Treasurer - The Treasurer shall have the responsibility over all monetary funds and related duties, along with the responsibility of keeping all financial records. The Treasurer will serve as the Budget Allocation Committee (BAC) Representative for their association and attend all monthly meetings. (Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per week).
Secretary - The Secretary shall have the responsibility to record the minutes of Commuter Student Association meetings. They will record and distribute the minutes to the Executive and General Board members within 48 hours of the General Board meeting. General administrative tasks will be given to the Secretary such as the organization of meetings, order of office and event supplies, and the coordination of pertinent board materials and supplies. (Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per week)
Student Events Board
President - The SEB President is responsible for overseeing the planning of events by programmers and all E-Board members duties. The President must serve as a mentor to both general board and executive board members on SEB. The President must promote communication between faculty, administration, and students concerning the activities of the SEB. In addition, the President is charged with handling internal conflict while keeping in mind the mission of the organization and building an inclusive community. Also, this member sits on both the Student Government Association and the Student Life Advisory Committee (SLAC). Lastly, the President should go above and beyond for the needs of SEB. (Time Commitment: 15-18 hours per week).
Vice President - The Vice President reports directly to the President and assists with the performance of the presidential duties whenever necessary. The Vice President directs SEB meetings following the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order, maintains an office available to all SEB members, including but not limited to: keeping an accurate record of office hour attendance by members, maintaining a clean and organized environment, maintaining and inventory of the Hennepin closet, and identifying/purchasing office items when needed, coordinates and oversees the mentoring program, organizes the semesterly board retreats, and organizes both the apparel and bonding events for the board. Lastly, the Vice President should be able to assume the duties of the SEB President if for any reason the President is unable to fulfill the duties of the office. The Vice President also sits on the Student Senate (Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per week)
Treasurer - The Treasurer reports to SEB Executive Board members concerning the financial standing of all committees under the SEB, submit the recommended SEB budget to the appropriate financial body as prescribed by the Director of Student Activities & Leadership Development, assists all other SEB Committee Chairpersons with their specific budget needs, input PO's and signing off on all financial forms, and acts as a voting member of the Budget Allocation Committee (BAC). (Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per week)
Secretary - The Secretary should keep accurate minutes of all SEB general and executive board meetings and distribute these minutes to the appropriate individuals of the college community, keep track of all members' attendance at said meetings, be responsible for keeping and maintaining internal loyalty program, be responsible for ensuring that there is a process for keeping accurate attendance at SEB Events, including making sure events are on SAINTS Connect, swipers are at each event, and attendance numbers are given to each Chairperson(s), and to be responsible for keeping an accurate listing of members and distributing accurate contact sheets and order nameplates and name tags for new members. (Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per week).
Student Senate
President - The President is the chairman of the Executive Board as well as the Senate as a whole. This individual must be free on Tuesdays from 4:00pm-6:00pm for the entirety of their term. It is expected that the Student Senate President will put in between 15-18 hours per week on average. This is due to the several commitments this position holds from meetings with college officials on a regular basis to being a member of each of Senate's committees. (Time Commitment: 15-18 hours per week).
Vice President - The role of Vice President is to oversee the student clubs and organizations on campus, in coordination with the Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development. Duties include helping to facilitate each semester's club registration and club leader training, as well as plan a campus-wide club fair each semester. (Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per week).
Treasurer - The Treasurer of the Student Senate has three key responsibilities. First, the Treasurer serves as the Chair of the Budget Allocation Committee which is responsible for allocating funds to all the recognized clubs on campus. Second, the Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions of the Senate. Third, the Treasurer must be a resource for all club treasurers on campus, and assist them in their role as needed. (Time Commitment: 9-11 hours per week).
Secretary - It is the responsibility of the Secretary to ensure meeting minutes are completed each week with accuracy. It is also their duty to have the room set up for the Senate meeting on the day of the meeting; this can include setting up additional seating for a big meeting, setting out name plates, and getting screens for presentation. (Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per week).
Residential Associate - This individual is responsible for chairing the Residential Community Committee, which is made up of each of the presidents of the Hall Councils. As a chair, this person will orchestrate, amange, and run the committee and its meetings and then report back to Senate on what occurred at those meetings. This member is also required to sit on the Budget Allocation Committee (BAC). (Time Commitment: 5-7 hours per week).
Senator at Large - This individual is required to attend Senate meetings, aid in helping with Senate-led initiatives, and plan Senate bonding events. The requirements of this position fluctuate based on the number of projects Senate is working on. (Time Commitment: 5-7 hours per week).
Class Councils (Class of 2023, 2024, 2025)
President - Class Council Presidents are required to sit on Senate and meet all of the expectations and requirements that come with that duty. They are also responsible for running Class Council meetings and overseeing any and all projects the council takes on. (Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week).
Vice President - The Vice President must aid in the duties of the President in the event the President needs help in any capacity. The Vice President will also be required to sit on various committees as necessary throughout their term. (Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week).
Treasurer - It is the duty of the treasurer to manage and maintain the budget for the Class Council, as well as sit on and attend all of the Budget Allocation Committee (BAC) meetings. (Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week).
Secretary - The Secretary is responsible for maintaining meeting minutes for the Class Council meetings as well as attending Food Committee meetings. (Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week).
The Commuter Student Association, otherwise known as CSA, is the sole voice for the commuter population at Siena College. who serve as a liaison between the commuting body and staff, faculty, and administration.
The Students Events Board (SEB) is the largest programming organization on campus, planning and hosting over seventy-five events each year. SEB works to promote inclusive programs that appeals to all facets of the Siena student body.
The Student Senate is the largest governing body on camps acting as the voice for the entirety of the student body. It is the job of the Senate to bring students concerns and needs to the appropriate party and bring about fair, amicable change. Student Senate works with administrators everyday in order to make this happen as well as working with the Board of Trustees and Board of Advisors.
It is the job of the Class Councils to drive unity amongst their class year and promote the best interest of the class at Student Senate meetings.
If you have questions about these guidelines, feel free to reach out to SGA via email (