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2023 Yearbook

Yearbooks are available for purchase!

Deadline to order is February 3, 2023

Order Online at: buytheyearbook.com     Enter Code: 710386


Seniors, please submit candid photos that you have taken with your friends throughout your time at Siena for the 2023 yearbook. Submit your photos to class2023photoupload@siena.edu. 

Class Rings & Graduation Announcements

Order your Class rings and graduation announcements here! For Class Ring options, please click here.

Jostens will also be visiting campus on November 1st & 2nd in the SSU Atrium.

Senior Week

Congratulations, seniors! The Class of 2023 Council has been hard at work planning events for the class and is ready to celebrate with you! Please see general information regarding Senior Week. 

Senior 21 Club

What is 21 Club?

21 Club is a pregame event prior to Siena Men's Basketball games exclusive to the Class of 2023 and those who are Dog Pound members.

Three 21 Club pre-game events will be held. More information regarding registration for these events will be sent to Senior Dog Pound members via email!


Dog Pound

$40.00, the season ticket package includes:

Ticket to all regular season home games at MVP Arena

Access to Yankee Trails bus that leaves from Siena to MVP Arena and returns after the game

Participation in 21 Club for the Class of 2023 members

Class Officers

President: Carly Fanning

Vice President: Emma Willette

Treasurer: Liz Kane

Secretary: Bradley Wisinski

21 Club Committee Chair: Tori Vellucci 

Senior Events Coordinator: Jonas Cabahug

Senior Events Coordinator: Caroline McGrath

Advisor: Emily Poole