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Faith, Values & Ethics: The Siena student experience is grounded in faith and the development of character, purpose, and meaning enriched by core Franciscan values and ethical principles.
Key Competencies:
- Articulate the relationship of one's faith to oneself.
- Appreciate the diversity of the faith traditions.
- Demonstrate the congruence between faith, values, and action.
- Identify and apply ethical principles to decision making processes.
Social Responsibility: The responsibility all members of the Siena community have to promote the common good so that ALL its members feel safe and cared for, grow, and flourish while affirming and protecting the dignity and rights of the individual.
Key Competencies:
- Behave in ways that are consistent with the norms of the College and Franciscan Habits of Community.
- Demonstrate an understanding of and participate in various student and college governance processes to solve issues.
- Challenge uncivil, unjust, or unfair processes or behaviors of individuals or groups.
- Understand the effect of one's behavior and choices on individuals and groups.
- Participate in service and advocacy opportunities with and for individuals or groups that are disadvantaged, marginalized, or different from themselves or others.
Community: The essence of Franciscan living is the commitment to relating to and living with one another by participating in intentional relationship building activities, having dedicated spaces and gatherings for personal sharing and the respectful exchange of ideas around significant issues.
Key Competencies:
- Develop meaningful interpersonal relationships and lifelong friendships, and habits of community participation.
- Be challenged to high standards of personal behavior, integrity, and responsibility through experiencing the values of Diversity, Optimism, Respect, and Service.
- Participate in community celebrations of faith, cultural and campus traditions, and individual and group accomplishments.
- Come together in times of need in the spirit of always looking out for the other and in response to those who need our care and support.
Diversity/Inclusion: Increase awareness of self, accept and welcome the perspectives and cultures of the other in our lives by opening our minds and hearts to achieve a community where commonality and differences among people are nurtured and honored.
Key Competencies:
- Foster a welcoming and supportive environment which celebrates diversity, inclusion, and equity.
- Actively and intentionally engage with people from diverse backgrounds and life experiences.
- Incorporate diverse experiences and perspectives into group planning and decision making.
- Address issues of bias, discrimination, and exclusion where they exist.
Professional Development: The ability to connect, document, and apply experiences and knowledge gained in the classroom and co-curricular activities to career opportunities.
Key Competencies:
- Describe and articulate co-curricular personal strengths, weaknesses, competencies, and values.
- Translate Siena co-curricular experiences in a way that distinguishes students in their career opportunities.
- Develop effective communication, teamwork, and negotiating skills.
- Demonstrate positive strategies for managing conflict.
- Contribute to the achievement of a group's goal, engage in taking risks, follow-through on commitments.
Health and Wellness: The ability to develop and demonstrate respect for one's own body and person through self awareness, increase self esteem, healthy relationships, psychological, emotional and spiritual well being, good nutrition and physical activity.
Key Competencies:
- Engage in activities and create good habits that promote personal health and wellness.
- Choose behaviors to accomplish short and long term goals that reduce risk of harm.
- Support behaviors and choices that promote a healthy and thriving community.
- Develop practices of self-awareness and responsible self-care to increase resiliency and self-advocacy.
View the Journey to Success path and your progress, or register for the Journey to Success path by clicking on the image below: