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Journey to Success is a 2 year initiative for first year students, and any other upperclassman who are interested, to engage and experience enhanced involvement on campus. Journey to Success will launch in Fall 2018 to first year students and new transfer students. We will announce the path at Orientation during our involvement session while utilizing SAINT Orientation Leaders to further explain the program in a small group format.

To achieve completion of this program, you must attend at total of 12 events, 2 in each pillar.

The different pillars are:

  • Faith, Values & Ethics
  • Social Responsibility
  • Community
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Professional Development
  • Health & Wellness

It is suggested that students complete approximately 3 programs each semester. To get credit for each pillar, see below on how you can participate.


All first year students and new transfers are automatically enrolled in the Journey to Success Involvement path. Go to SAINTS Connect and click 'Journey to Success' under Paths. To opt-in or enroll as an upperclassman, please check this site in November 2018 or look for more details in the campus Digest.

To get credit at events, you must swipe your SAINT Card at the entrance of the event (events are free). At all events, there will be a representative from the host organization that will assist you with swiping your card, which will automatically give you credit for your attendance.