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Peer-led Workshops – Peer Advisors conduct workshops on a variety of topics each semester open to all students (e.g., planning for advising and registration, improving note taking skills). Workshop dates and times are posted in the Digest and on flyers around campus.
SSAA-001: Siena 101 - This is a one credit pass/fail course for incoming first year students. Students learn how to improve study habits and time management and explore major options and other topics that can assist with their academic progress. This course gives students an opportunity to connect with an administrator who will serve as an additional point of contact.
Learning to Enhance Academic Performance (LEAP) – Students on academic probation for the first time are required to take LEAP 1, a one-credit hour, pass/fail study skills course in the semester following their placement on probation. Students on academic probation for a second or third semester are required to take LEAP 2 and 3, respectively, and will have individual meetings with a professional staff member in the Academic Success Center to review academic progress and strategies for success.