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This option is designed for students to drop a course after the regular deadline of course withdrawal.

  • No credit is given with this option, and either a WP (withdrawal while passing) or WF (withdrawal while failing) will be listed on your transcript.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their faculty advisor and/or the Office of Student Academic Success & Engagement (SASE; Fr. Ben Kuhn House) before withdrawing from any classes.

Use your Siena login and password (you do not need to include @siena.edu)
The link to the WP/WF form will be removed when the dates have passed.   

WP/WF Option Deadlines:


4-Week Term A - June 9, 2023

6-Week Term A - June 9, 2023

8-Week Term - June 16, 2023

4-Week Term B - July 10, 2023

6-Week Term B - July 24, 2023

FALL 2023

Full Semester Courses - December 1, 2023
Semester A Courses - October 6, 2023
Semester B Courses - December 1, 2023