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This option is designed to encourage students to take courses outside their major fields. Students must request to pass/fail a course by the published deadline(s) by completing the form below and returning it to the Registrar's Office.
Students may select one course each semester as pass/fail - up to 8 courses in total. This option may not be applied to a course in the student's major, minor, auxiliary for the major, college core, or common business core. 

Some certificate programs do allow students to use the pass/fail option in their courses. Students should check with the program's Director. A "D-" is a passing grade. Students must declare this option in the Office of the Registrar before the published deadline each semester. 
Pass/Fail Option Deadlines:

Fall 2023

Full Semester Courses - November 3, 2023

Fall A Courses - September 29, 2023

Fall B Courses - November 13, 2023

Spring 2024

Full Semester Courses - March 15, 2024

Spring A Courses - February 9, 2024

Spring B Courses - April 5, 2024