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Quick Links:

All grade changes route through Etrieve. This includes grading errors and final grades for Incomplete or IP grades from current or previous semesters. Faculty will receive an email after the grade change has successfully been submitted and again when the grade is updated in the student information system.

Who Should I contact:

Kari Bennett: 

Questions regarding Board of Instruction and Final Exam Schedule.

Liz Conroy:

Questions regarding Degree Audits and Requirements, Degree Exceptions/Petitions, Degree Clearance, Graduation Lists.

Kara James:

Questions regarding Transfer Credit Evaluations, Study Abroad Evaluations, Schedule of Classes and Classroom Assignments.

Brad Dorr:

All your Academic Reporting needs.

Casey mALLORY:

Questions regarding student records and veteran certifications.

Debbie Sgroi And Sarah DeFrias:

Questions regarding Academic Record Changes (changes to student's major/minor), Transcript Requests, Degree and Enrollment Verifications, Student Withdrawals, and Student Record updates.