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Academic Year 2023-24 DEGREE CANDIDATES:

Students are responsible for completing all degree requirements leading to their degree or certificate for their enrolled curriculum. 

Completing the Degree Application (instructions below) will trigger a review of the Student's Degree Audit. Students should be aware of the specific requirements needed for their degree or certificate. 

*NOTE: If you make any changes to your curriculum ( i.e., add/drop major, minor, etc.) after submitting your degree application or have problems with your application, please contact Associate Registrar, Liz Conroy (econroy@siena.edu).

Application Instructions:

  1. Log into Banner Self-Service
  2. Click on Student Services; Student Records; Apply to Graduate
  3. Please select the current term.
  4. Select one curriculum for this degree application - (even if you have more than one major). **If you need to apply for multiple degrees (BA and BS, for example), you will complete a separate application for each. See below**
  5. Continue
  6. Select the appropriate graduation date and continue
    • Summer Graduates: August 31, 2023
    • Fall Graduates: January 31, 2024
    • Spring Graduates: May 12, 2024
  7. Select the name you would like to appear on your diploma and continue (you can edit the name on the next screen)
  8. Select or edit a mailing address for your diploma and continue
  9. Verify all information is correct and click "Submit Request."

If you have problems with your application, contact Associate Registrar, Liz Conroy at econroy@siena.edu.

**You MUST complete a separate degree application for a Certificate, such as Pre-Law, Community Development, Theater Certificate, etc.**

NOTE: If you make any changes to your curriculum (i.e., add/drop major, minor, etc.) after submitting your degree application, please contact Associate Registrar, Liz Conroy at econroy@siena.edu.


July 14, 2023 - Degree Application Deadline

July 28, 2023 - Any transfer credit received prior to the Spring 2023 semester MUST be received by the Registrar's Office, i.e., official transcripts

August 31, 2023 - Any transfer credit for courses taken during the Spring 2023 semester MUST be received by the Registrar's Office, i.e., official transcripts. Note: All coursework transferred for the Summer 2023 semester must be completed no later than August 31, 2023 to be considered an August 2023 graduate. 

August 31, 2023 - Degree Conferral Date (ALL requirements MUST be completed by this date)

Mid-September - Diplomas will be mailed


November 17, 2023 - Degree Application Deadline

January 05, 2024- Any transfer credit received prior to the Spring 2023 semester MUST be received by the Registrar's Office, i.e., official transcripts

February 09, 2024 - Any transfer credit for courses taken during the Spring 2023 semester MUST be received by the Registrar's Office, i.e., official transcripts. Note: All coursework transferred for the Winter 2023-24 semester must be completed no later than January 31, 2024 to be considered a January 2024 graduate. 

January 31, 2024 - Degree Conferral Date (ALL requirements MUST be completed by this date)

Mid-February - Diplomas will be mailed


November 17, 2023 - Degree Application Deadline

March 01, 2024- Any transfer credit received prior to the Spring 2023 semester MUST be received by the Registrar's Office, i.e., official transcripts

May 24, 2024 - Any transfer credit for courses taken during the Spring 2023 semester MUST be received by the Registrar's Office, i.e., official transcripts. Note: All coursework transferred for the Spring 2024 semester must be completed no later than May 12, 2024 to be considered a May 2024 graduate. 

May 12, 2024 - Degree Conferral Date (ALL requirements MUST be completed by this date)

Mid-June - Diplomas will be mailed