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Siena College contracts with AVI – Siena Fresh to provide all dining services on campus, including catering. Using one vendor for all dining services provides quality, convenience and value to students, faculty, staff and visitors to our campus.
A most important component of providing dining and catering services through AVI is Siena’s responsibility and ability to monitor food safety and product quality for all dining experiences and events at which food is served on campus.
Siena has in place processes that assure our community the food served by AVI is fresh, as well as stored, prepared, cooked, held and served in accordance with the highest industry-standard food safety regulations.
Siena recognizes specialty items are an integral part of events sponsored by Siena student organizations, and college departments and offices. We understand there are occasions when you might wish to use a caterer other than AVI (“Off-Campus Caterer”) to provide (either pickup or delivery) food for your event.
To ensure the health and safety of our community, Siena maintains the same level of food safety oversight for Off-Campus Caterers as is required of AVI.
To enable Siena to provide adequate oversight and proper safeguards for food you pick up from Off Campus Caterers and/or for food delivered to campus by Off-Campus Caterers, please read the following instructions and use the following process.
Please be especially careful to adhere to the required timeline and to attach all required documentation. Please note that outside catering cannot be served in campus dining facilities.
Full Service Catering is that which involves hiring a restaurant, catering company or other type of dining service provider to prepare, deliver, set-up, and serve meals on campus.