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Public Safety at 911 


Emergency Call Box

  • The emergency call box locations are identifiable by blue lights hanging above the boxes.
  • Following a call, the department will send a public safety officer immediately to assist the caller or victim.
  • If required or requested, the Town or State Police will be contacted.



Criminal Offense

When a criminal offense, a violation of College rules and regulations, or other emergency occurs on campus, anyone may report it.

Incidents may be reported to:

  • Public Safety
  • The Dean of Students' office
  • Any College official

who in turn will take the proper action to notify the appropriate College agency.


For reasons of privacy, a person may choose only to inform

  • College Counseling Center: 518-783-2342
  • Student Health Services: 518-783-2554
  • Office of the College Chaplain and Siena College Friars: 518-783-2332


In cases involving harassment, as described in the College Human Rights Policy and Procedure, the affected person may refer the matter to the College's Human Rights Committee.