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Dear Siena Saints,
Congratulations on finishing a very challenging semester. From the global pandemic, to campus power outages, and a highly contentious national election, there has been no shortage of obstacles and distractions. Yet through it all, you have persevered. From the outset, as we faced the omnipresent specter of the coronavirus, many doubted our ability to successfully complete a residential experience. You showed the world what Saints can do when we work together. Well done.
Please take some time over the Thanksgiving holiday to rest and give thanks for our good fortune this fall. There is reason to be hopeful that a safe and effective vaccine will be available in the near future, so it's essential we don’t give in now. Until then, the health and safety measures that kept us together on campus this fall must continue as you return home to your families and communities.
This semester took its toll on all of us, and you'll need some time to relax. Once you’ve recharged, we have a series of activities designed for you to stay engaged with the College between now and the start of our spring residential semester in mid-February. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of one or more of these activities (expanded winter session courses, CURCA-sponsored research, internships, book clubs, etc.).
We look forward to welcoming all of you back for what we hope will be a more normal experience in the spring. Until then, may God bless you and your families.
Peace and Good.