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The Presidential Medal for Excellence, introduced by former President Chris Gibson ’86 Ph.D., honors Siena students, faculty, staff, and alumni who have “truly excelled or offered an extraordinary performance.”

The green enameled coins are two inches in diameter and are embossed with the Siena logos and core values: Person-Centered. Lifelong Learners. Inclusive. Compassionate Leaders. Innovative.

Each coin is individually numbered and a record of each coin will be kept in the president's office.

Nominations for a Presidential Medal of Excellence can be submitted to the President’s office by emailing president@siena.edu.


SUMMER 2021FALL 2021WINTER 2022 — SPRING 2022 — SUMMER 2022 Fall 2022  Spring 2023

                Award Recipient          Date
Summer 2021
Summer 2021
  • Sharon Daloz Parks
Summer 2021
  • Kacie Oliver '21
Fall 2021
  • Rick Bagnoli
Fall 2021
  • Ben Montgomery
Fall 2021
  • Anthony Pondillo '65 M.B.A.
Fall 2021
  • Charles F. Seifert, Ph.D.
Fall 2021
  • Elaine Phelan
Fall 2021
  • Paul F. Dwyer, Jr. '71, J.D.
Fall 2021
  • Leonard M. Cutler, Ph.D
Fall 2021
  • MaryAnne Egan '86, Ph.D. 
Fall 2021
  • Judith L. Dougherty '06, B.A.
Fall 2021
  • Donna D. McIntosh, M.S.W.
Fall 2021
  • Allison Turcio '06
Fall 2021
  • Edwin L. Rogers, Ph.D.
Fall 2021
  • Duane A. Matcha, Ph.D.
Fall 2021
  • Jodi O’Donnell Ph.D. 
Fall 2021
  • Richard M. Proctor, Ph.D.
Fall 2021
  • Karen Boswell, Ph.D.
Fall 2021
  • Cassidy Hammecker '22
Fall 2021
  • Annie Larsen '22
Fall 2021
  • Kate Meierdiercks Ph.D.
Fall 2021
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Colleen Riley
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Jim McGuinness, MBA Student
Fall 2021
  • John Coleman ’62, posthumous
Fall 2021
  • Joshua Deyo ’22
Fall 2021
  • Terry Arndt ’67
Fall 2021
  • Alan Glasser ’22
Fall 2021
  • Special Presidential Recognition
Fall 2021
  • Peter Crummey, Colonie Town Supervisor
Winter 2022
  • John McPhee
Winter 2022
  • Thomas J. Dolan '68
Spring 2022
  • Col. Kandace Daffin
Spring 2022
Spring 2022
  •  Major General Daniel J. Christian
Spring 2022
  •  Special Presidential Recognition
Spring 2022
  • Lindenwald Museum Park Ranger
Spring 2022
  • Lindenwald Museum Park Ranger
Spring 2022
  • First-Year Seminar Student
Spring 2022
  • First-Year Seminar Student
Spring 2022
  • First-Year Seminar Student
Spring 2022
  • First-Year Seminar Student
Spring 2022
  • First-Year Seminar Student
Spring 2022

Spring 2022

  • Class of 2022 ROTC Graduate- Special Recognition

Spring 2022

  • Doug Lonnstrom, Ph.D.
Summer 2022
  • Master Sergeant Hecker
Summer 2022
  • Anthony Pelliccia '17
Summer 2022
  • Major Frank Engle '05

Fall 2022

  • Evan Parker

Fall 2022

  • Jackson Parker

Fall 2022

  • Todd Rosenfield 

 Fall 2022

  • Timothy Nigro '26

Fall 2022

  • Gabriel Hoglund '26

Fall 2022

  • John Hayes '24

Fall 2022

  • Cub Scout Pack 1701 of Latham

Fall 2022

  • Scout Troop 1701B of Latham

Fall 2022

  • Scout Troop 1701G of Latham

Fall 2022

  • 12th Annual Veterans Recognition Dinner attendees

Fall 2022

  • Rich Ensor

Fall 2022

  •  Special Presidential Recognition

Fall 2022

  • Lisa Bryk

Spring 2023

  • Karen Mahar, Ph.D.

Spring 2023

  • Jason Rich '98

Spring 2023

  • Cynthia King-LeRoy

Spring 2023

  • Jeanne Obermayer

Spring 2023

  • Mary Strunk

Spring 2023

  • Betty Bachman, Ph.D.

Spring 2023

  • Joseph Fitzgerald

Spring 2023

  • Suzanne O'Connor

Spring 2023

  • Lisa Lally

Spring 2023

  • Pat Markley

Spring 2023

  • Chuck Rothman

Spring 2023

  • Anne Rody-Wright, J.D.

Spring 2023

  • Mary Lawyer

Spring 2023

  • Sharon Small , Ph.D.

Spring 2023

  • Daniel Moriarty, Ph.D.

Spring 2023

  • Jim Morris 

Spring 2023

  • Scott Houghtaling

Spring 2023

  • Jeff Stone

Spring 2023

  • Tim Kensky

Spring 2023

  • Kellie Milne

Spring 2023

  • John DeVito

Spring 2023

  • Frank Tamburrino

Spring 2023

  • Nicole Cosentino

Spring 2023

  • Prince Asante '23

Spring 2023

  • Karen Mahar

Spring 2023