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Brief Description of Institution-Wide Surveys

Institution-Wide Survey Schedule 

Instrument Administered By Population Frequency Last Administration Next Administration
ACHA- National College Health Assessment (NCHA) Student Life All Full-Time Students Triennial Spring 2022 Spring 2025

Association of College and University Housing Officers Educational Benchmarking (ACUHO-I/EBI)
Resident Assessment

Community Living, Student Life All Resident Students Triennial Apr 2022

Apr 2025

Association of College Unions International Education Benchmarking (ACUI-EBI) Student Activities Survey Student Activities & Leadership Development, Student Life Full-Time Undergraduate Students - Sample Triennial Mar 2023 Mar 2026
Diversity & Equity Campus Climate Survey Mission Office All Students TBD Jan 2021 TBD
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Institutional Effectiveness, Academic Affairs All Matriculated Undergraduate First-Year and Seniors Triennial Feb 2021

Feb 2024


Princeton Review Student Survey Institutional Effectiveness All Students Triennial Dec 2022 Dec 2025
Ruffalo Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) Institutional Effectiveness, Academic Affairs All Matriculated Undergraduate Students Triennial Nov 2020

Fall 2023


Sexual Assault Survey Title IX & EEO, Student Life All Students Biennial Spring 2022 Spring 2024
Siena College Alumni Survey Institutional Effectiveness

Alumni (1 year out and have a reunion year)

Annual Apr 2022 TBD
Siena College Resident Survey Community Living, Student Life All Resident Students Annual Oct 2022

Oct 2023

Siena Research Institute

Center for Academic Community Engagement Full-Time Undergraduate Students - Sample Biennial Spring 2023

Spring 2025


Brief Description of Institution-Wide Surveys 

  • ACHA-National College Health Assessment:  The ACHA-National College Health Assessment collects data about students' health habits, behaviors, and perceptions.
  • ACUHO/EBI Resident Assessment:  The ACUHO/EBI Resident Assessment provides data on student satisfaction with on-campus housing as well as data on the academic and co-curricular activities of resident students.
  • ACUI/EBI Student Activities Survey:  The ACUI/EBI Student Activities Survey collects data on involvement and satisfaction with student activities at Siena College.
  • Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey:  The Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS)  collects data on students perceptions of the campus climate, institutional support of diversity and equity, and experiences with discrimination and harassment on campus.
  • National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE):  The NSSE Survey collects information about student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college.
  • Princeton Review Survey:  Asks questions about campus climate mostly as it relates to student activities.
  • Ruffalo Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI):  The SSI Survey collects information on how satisfied students are with student services and academic programs, and on how important students consider these services and programs to be.
  • Sexual Assault Survey:  Mandated by New York State, the purpose of the survey is to ascertain a better understanding of what students know about campus safety, support related to sexual assault, and awareness of campus. 
  • Siena College Alumni Survey:  The Alumni Survey collects data from graduates of Siena College regarding their experiences at Siena as well as their current educational and employment status.
  • Siena College Resident Survey:  The Resident Survey collects information about attitudes toward and satisfaction with the resident assistants in student housing.
  • Siena Research Institute (SRI)-National Assessment of Service and Community Engagement (NASCE):  The NASCE ascertains the extent of student community service based on rate, frequency, and depth. The extent of student community service is determined for nine organizational types.

Help is Available!!!

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) can provide assistance in the survey development and administration process. OIE staff members are trained in research methodology, survey design, and statistical analysis. They will be happy to help with the development of survey instruments and the interpretation of survey results.