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The Institutional Research Office is responsible for the production and submission of several external reports and surveys, including the following:
- Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): A set of mandated reports collected by the federal Department of Education. Institutional data are submitted in the areas of enrollment, graduation rates, personnel, cost and financial aid, library resources, and institutional finances.
- New York State Education Department (NYSED) reports: A set of mandated reports collected by the state of New York, which include data similar to that submitted to IPEDS.
- Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Institutional Profile: An annual data report required by the accrediting body for Siena College.
- Proprietary surveys: Annual data reports submitted to a variety of proprietary companies, including U.S. News and World Report, ACT, Peterson's College Guide, etc.
To view a calendar of submission dates for these external reports and surveys, click here.