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TIMELINE OF MSCHE Self-Study Process for Siena College (TENTATIVE)
July-August 2021 Initiate discussions on MSCHE Self-Study needs.
Fall 2021 Steering Committee Chair(s) and members chosen.
Steering Committee Chair(s) & Cabinet confirms its Self-Study model.
Steering Committee Chair(s) & Cabinet determines types of Working Groups that will be needed.
Members of each Working Group chosen.
November 2021 Attend MSCHE Self-Study Institute (10 people max).
January 2022 Remote meeting with Commission staff liaison (2nd or 3rd week).
January – April 2022 Draft Self-Study Design, including Charges for Working Groups 
Identify Preliminary Evidence
Submit draft Self-Study Design by April 22 (2 weeks prior to Self-Study Prep Visit).
May 9, 2022 Commission Staff Liaison Self-Study Prep Visit to Campus (virtual).
June - September 2022 MSCHE Suggests Revisions and Accepts Self-Study Design.
Working Groups conduct research and perform quality reviews on evidence.
September – December 2022 Steering Committee oversees research and reporting by Working Groups.
Working Groups conduct research within the community, involving constituents as appropriate.
Working Group narratives begin to be drafted. 
January – May 2023 Round 1 narrative draft completed by Working Groups in mid-January and submitted to the Co-chairs.
Self-Study Evaluation Team Chair chosen.
Visit dates chosen.
Accepted Self-Study Design sent to Chair.
Steering Committee reviews Round 1 Draft Self-Study Report from Co-chairs (February 2023).
Revised Round 1 Draft Self-Study Report shared with campus community (April 2023)
May – August 2023 Working Group incorporate Self-Study revisions based on community feedback to produce Round 2 Draft Self-Study Report (June 2023).
Co-Chairs review and prepare Round 2 Draft Self-Study Report (July 2023).
Steering Committee reviews and approves Round 2 Draft Self-Study Report (August 2023).
September - November 2023 Round 2 Draft Self-Study report shared with Campus Community (mid-September).
Board of Trustees reviews Round 2 Draft Self-Study report (September).
Working Group incorporate Self-Study revisions based on community feedback to produce Round 3 Draft Self-Study Report.
Co-Chairs review and prepare Round 3 Draft Self-Study Report.
Steering Committee reviews and approves Round 3 Draft Self-Study Report.
Self-Study Report draft sent to MSCHE Team Chair (two weeks before MSCHE Team Chair’s preliminary visit).
MSCHE Team Chair’s Preliminary Visit.
December 2023 – January 2024 Self-Study Report finalized based on Team Chair feedback and Shared with Campus.
February – March 2024 Final Self-Study Report/Verification of Compliance/Evidence Inventory uploaded to MSCHE portal (six weeks before team visit).
February – May 2024 Self-Study MSCHE Evaluation Team Visit.
MSCHE Team Report.
Institutional Response.
June/November 2024 MSCHE Commission meets to determine action.

All dates are subject to change.  If you have questions about the timeline or process, please contact Mohua Bose, mbose@siena.edu or Keith Wilhite, kwilhite@siena.edu.