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For a Quick Overview Click here: About Us-oie
Siena College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801. (267-284-5011) www.msche.org. The MSCHE is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Siena’s current reaffirmation of accreditation occurred in 2014, a mid-point peer review was conducted in 2020, and the next self-study and reaccreditation are scheduled for 2023-2024.
Providing leadership and administrative support for Siena's outcomes assessment process.
"Assessment of student learning demonstrates that students have knowledge, skills, and competencies consistent with institutional and appropriate higher education goals.” (Middle States Commission on Higher Education. (2006)).
Institutional Research
The mission of Institutional Research is to provide information support for reporting, decision-making, and planning activities that help achieve the stated goals of Siena College. Institutional Research provides the administration, trustees, faculty, and other internal and external constituencies of the College with information and research assistance. Institutional Research reports to the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Institutional Review Board
Per Federal regulations as prescribed in 45 CFR Part 46, any faculty, student and/or administrator/staff planning to engage in research involving human subjects must receive approval from the Siena College Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to initiating any research activities, on or off campus.
Strategic Planning
Coordinating the process that helps Siena achieve its mission and strategic goals.