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Virtual 1:1 spiritual companionship
What is Spiritual Companionship? It’s simply an opportunity to talk with a trusted person about what is going on with your inner and spiritual life. Spiritual Companionship provides you with spiritual guidance which will help facilitate and support an honest self-examination required for your personal development and growth. The hope is to nurture a deeper self-awareness and truth of who you are and the greatness that lies within.
WHAT could we talk about?
Want to meet but, not sure what to talk with a Spiritual Companion about? Here are some sample themes one might be contemplating:
Grappling with questions of purpose and meaning (Who am I? What are my core values? What is mine to do?)
Discerning vocation and/or career direction (How do I discern my path?)
Searching for and discovering or making meaning in life (What brings me joy? Where does my heart’s deep gladness meet the world’s greatest need?)
Exploring spiritual, theological, philosophical questions or texts (Will you help me make sense of this passage? How is it relevant to my life?)
Dealing with suffering (Why do difficult things happen to good people? How do I accept and process grief?)
Making life-giving choices (How do I make healthy decisions?)
Building and healing relationships - with family, roommates, friends, co-workers (What do I say to heal a rift? How can I earn trust? How are relationships nurtured?)
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Meet the Spiritual Companions and schedule an appointment
Meet our Spiritual Companions: Fr. Larry Anderson, Nick Ascioti, Beth DeAngelis, and Fr. Sean O'Brien.
What Spiritual companions do?
It's important for you to know what Spiritual Companions are, as well as what they are not before meeting.
What spiritual companions do:
Ask questions
See the whole person
Offer moral support
Offer spiritual resources such as texts and teachings for reflection
Offer and teach spiritual practices to support well-being
Create and hold safe and brave spaces
Offer mindful meditation and contemplation practices
Illuminate tradition
Guide moral and ethical decision-making
Promote growth, healing, and human understanding
Connect present struggles with larger realities and traditions