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Join Siena's Franciscan Friars on a pilgrimage to Franciscan Italy: Tuesday, May 19 returning Sunday, May 31, 2020. Informative gatherings lead up to our pilgrimage as we prepare to stay in Siena, Assisi and Rome with visits to Orvieto, Florence, LaVerna, Greccio, Cortona and the Vatican. Put a deposit down to hold your spot today!

This pilgrimage is only open to members of the Siena College community, including alumni. 

An exceptional travel value at $4,200:

  • Follow in the footsteps of Bernardine of Siena, Francis and Clare of Assisi
  • 4 nights in Siena, 4 nights in Assisi, and 3 night in Rome
  • We'll also be visiting Orvieto, Florence, Greccio, Cortona and the Vatican
  • Celebrate private masses and prayer services with the Friars
  • Extensive dining experience (breakfast, dinner, and some lunches included each day) seasoned with traditional specialties and Tuscan/Umbrian wines
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Check out all the details of this year's trip!

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Save Your Spot

Ready to sign up? Save your spot on the trip today!

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Terms and Conditions

Important notices and information for the 2020 Pilgrimage. 

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Credit Card payment form

Any credit card payments can given the following ways:

Online: www.siena.edu/makeagiftonline - indicate Italy Pilgrimage in the 'Other' box.

Phone: call Bridget Darmetko 518-783-2980 

Mail: Print/mail the attached credit card form to - (indicate Italy Pilgrimage next to Restricted):

Siena College

St. Francis House

515 Loudon Road

Loudonville, NY 12211

Fr. Mark Reamer, OFM

Guardian, St. Bernardine of Siena Friary and Assistant to the President for Franciscan Mission

515 Loudon Road Loudonville, NY 12211