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The high tempo of summer facilities projects on campus will continue unabated for the remainder of the summer and will include the following maintenance and construction work that in some cases will have impacts on our campus and campus community:
- The storm water system upgrade project occurring behind Siena Hall on the Quad will be finishing up in the next couple of weeks. There will be additional stormwater work done immediately adjacent to the east wing of Hines Hall starting in just a couple days.
- Installation of a new emergency generator for Padua Hall and Ryan Hall is well underway and work behind and in front of Padua Hall will continue through the summer.
- Painting of the front columns of Siena Hall and the campus flagpole will be starting within the next week and will take several days to complete.
- Pavement milling and placement of new asphalt pavements will be occurring in several areas of campus starting next week.
- A new sidewalk around the Quad Ring of Honor will be installed over the next few weeks. A portion of the Lonnstrom Landing (plaza between SSU and Lonnstrom) will be refinished.
- New rooftop HVAC units will be installed on Padua Hall and the MAC later this summer.
- Construction of the Bob Guido Athletic Academic Center (an addition constructed as a second floor on the ARC lobby) will start next month.
- Renovation and expansion of the Patricia Gioia Hall Welcome Center (McGuire Hall) will continue through the next two semesters.
As always, we ask that everyone exercise caution while transiting campus in the areas where the above work is going on. Please comply with construction site signage and barriers.