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All parents and families are welcome to join us for Homecoming Weekend 2022

Key events include:

Homecoming Pep Rally — Current students, alumni, prospective students, families and friends will come together to celebrate the Saints ahead of their big games, as well as Baloo's birthday, during our Pep Rally on November 12 in the UHY Center.

Athletic Events —

Thursday, November 10 at 7 PM - Women's Basketball vs. New Hampshire

Saturday, November 12

12 PM - Women's Swimming & Diving Home Meet

7:30 PM  - Albany Cup — Men's Basketball v.s. UAlbany

Sunday, November 13 at 1 PM - Women's Basketball vs. UAlbany

Veterans Recognition Dinner — Thursday, November 10 at 5:30

All registration and RSVP links can be found on our Homecoming website.


Is your Saint planning their winter break? They should consider taking a winter session course!


  • Get ahead on their four-year plan
  • Fulfill a CORE requirement
  • Study from the comfort of their home
  • Special winter tuition rates


  • $500 a credit hour (reduced from $675 a credit hour)
  • Receive an additional discounted rate of only $250/credit hour per course for a second course*

Sample Offerings:

  • Astronomy
  • General Psychology
  • Business Mathematics
  • Philosophy and the Human Being
  • Management
  • Criminal Justice

For a complete list of offerings, visit siena.edu/winter.


FALL FUSION 2022 — Saturday, December 3

Our 2022 Fall Fusion is right around the corner, and the Damietta Cross-Cultural Center is looking for hosts! If your Saint is interested, they should set up an appointment by emailing damiettacenter@siena.edu. The deadline to audition is November 2 at 12 PM. 

If your Saint is interested in performing at Fall Fusion, they can submit a 2 minute video of their talent to damiettacenter@siena.edu by November 2 at 12 PM.

School of Business Lecture Series

Keynote Speaker: Bob Mack '91, CFO of Polaris

Monday, November 7 from 12:40-1:30 PM

Key Auditorium, Roger Bacon Hall 202

History Department Distinguished Speaker

"Speak of the Devil": Understanding Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Scotland
Dr. Michelle Brock — Associate Professor of History, Washington & Lee University

Thursday, October 27 at 5 PM in Standish L26

Hosted by: Department of History

For more information, Saints can contact Dr. Karen Sonnelitter at ksonnelitter@siena.edu.