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academic affairs
Provost Margaret Madden and Dean of Science John Cummings are proud to announce two important Siena initiatives concerning environmental sustainability.
First is the opening of the Academic Center for Sustainability at Siena College. The Center aims to foster a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship on campus and in the surrounding community. We are pleased that Environmental Studies & Sciences Associate Professor Kate Meierdiercks will serve as the new Director of the Center. Professor Meierdiercks brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of sustainability and environmental science, and we are confident that she will lead the Center to great success.
The Center will offer a variety of programs, including workshops, research opportunities, and community outreach events. Our goal is to educate and inspire the next generation of leaders in sustainability and to contribute to a more just and sustainable world.
Second is the Laudato Si’ initiative which is led by Fr. Michael Perry. The Laudato Si’ initiative is a vehicle for promoting Pope Francis’ vision of integral ecology, laid out in his eponymous encyclical, into all aspects of life at Siena College.
This endeavor seeks collaboration with ongoing efforts for sustainability within the college as well as other Franciscan institutions in the U.S. and abroad, civic governmental institutions at various levels, and practitioners in other faiths, aiming to catalyze growing awareness of the climate crises facing the planet into effective action for the common good. We put environmental justice at the forefront of our efforts, seeking participation from those who are suffering the greatest from the consequences of climate change – in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the United States, Europe – so that their voices might help transform the minds and hearts of all within the Siena community and, indeed, worldwide.
Through seminars, training sessions, public lectures, policy advocacy, publications, and clear communications, we harness the ethical and spiritual values of our Franciscan tradition, as expressed through Laudato Si’, in shaping our response to the current crises at the level of personal lifestyles, institutions, and, ultimately, political-economic systems.
Siena is committed to integrating the Catholic tradition and liberal arts education with the principles of sustainability, and we believe that working collaboratively, these two initiatives will lead to innovative solutions to the complex environmental challenges facing Siena College, our regional community, and, indeed, our world.
Please join us in celebrating the launch of the Academic Center for Sustainability, and the Laudato Si’ Initiative. We look forward to your active participation in our programs and projects.
Summer @ siena
Last year, Siena Fresh handed 60,000 plastic water bottles to students with meal swipes at Casey’s.
Beginning in March, we will be saying hello to sustainable hydration, with Sodastream Professional. Bottled water will no longer come with a meal swipe at Casey’s. Your Saint can simply fill up ANY water bottle or a fountain cup at the Sodastream Professional fountain, instead of grabbing a bottled water, to take part in the fully connected ecosystem. They are able to customize their water by choosing from a variety of unsweetened flavors, carbonation levels, and temperature options. Then, they can track their water intake, favorite flavors and the number of bottles they saved on the easy to use App. Sodastream Professional is a fun and sustainable way to drink water!
PS. Every student will receive a reusable water bottle upon return from Spring Break!
Spring Break hours for the Siena Bookstore:
Wednesday, March 1 through Friday, March 3 – 9am to 3pm
Saturday, March 4- CLOSED
Sunday, March 5- CLOSED