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Full rights to photos taken by Siena's staff photographers belong to the College. Photographs may be used for any and all uses in print or online media. Siena staff who hire freelance photographers should ensure that full-usage rights to the images belong to Siena College as part of the terms of your request for purchase.
Photo Releases
Photos taken of Siena’s campus, activities or events require a photo release from the office of Marketing and Communications if they are to be used for commercial purposes. Photos taken in public places, for purposes of news or general information, do not require photo releases. Photos used to advertise products or services of the College may not require releases when the focus of the photo is a location or event, not a person.
Examples: a group of students at a Siena basketball game; a group of alumni at a campus event; students walking in the Academic Quad.
When an individual's face is featured in such a way as to be clearly recognizable, and appears to endorse Siena's programs, the best practice is to obtain a signed release, to be stored with records of payment for the ad or publication.
Example: An individual who is highlighted on a special scholarship award brochure (implies the featured individual received a scholarship).
Any advertising use of images that include minor children under 18 years of age, or hospital patients, require a signed photo release, to be filed with records of placement and payment for the ad or publication. If a release and other identifying information is not available, include "photo illustration" in a caption or credit, to be clear that the individual is shown for illustrative purposes only.
Staff may obtain and store releases over and above these guidelines if they feel it is in their best interest.
Internet Photos/Images
You should not assume that photos/images found on the internet (including those indexed by Google Images) are free to use. Do not use photos/images found on the Internet unless you have received permission or have paid appropriate fees.
Commercial Stock
Siena generated and owned photos are preferred, but stock images may be used when such use makes sense. Make sure to understand and obey all usage limitations under the terms of the stock purchase. Royalty-free stock is recommended. Rights-protected stock may not be shared or used in any way not specified in the purchase agreement.
Siena Stock
Siena staff should make sure that Siena’s stock images are used appropriately.
Example: Don't imply that people in Siena photos belong to one college when they in fact are part of another. Check the photo content to ensure it is accurate and appropriate – do not misrepresent Siena students or personnel.
Photo Requests from Outside the College
External media outlets, businesses and others may request permission to use Siena photos. Siena photography is the property of Siena College and should be credited with the Siena College name, or college photographer name as shown:
Siena College Photo, or Photographer Name | Siena College
All requests to reuse Siena College photography should be submitted to Art Director Sergio Sericolo (ssericolo@siena.edu)