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In case of a situation that would require you to work remotely please be sure you are prepared.

Be sure to review "Work from Home Essentials"

Other things to consider:

  • Do you have paper files you need access to?
  • Do you need vendor contact information?
  • Is there any special software installed on your office computer that you need to use remotely?
  • Does your job require equipment you you don't have at home?

Daily Interactions

Be sure to think of how you will conduct business with peers, vendors, students and others you normally interact with.

  • Are phone calls / email sufficient?
  • Do you need to conference call?
  • Do you need online meetings?
  • Do online meetings need video?

Conference Tools 



Siena has a campus agreement with Microsoft for the Office Suite.  As part of that agreement, Microsoft makes Office 365 Education available to our community for no cost.


During academic terms
8:00am - 7:00pm Mon-Thu
8:00am - 4:30pm Fri