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ITS Governance consists of a master committee called the Governance for Information Technology or GIT Committee, and several subcommittees. GIT committee structure can be seen in the organizational chart below. Makeup and function of the various components is as follows:


  • GIT: Master committee is a formal faculty governance committee with two faculty members from each of the School of Liberal Arts, School of Business, and School of Science; there are two student members appointed by Student Senate. In addition GIT includes representation from each administrative division of the College: Finance and Administration, Academic Affairs, Student Life, Enrollment Management, and Development & External Affairs. The College Librarian sits on the committee and GIT is chaired by the Chief Information Officer. 
    • Information Security Committee, ISC, always has at least one member from the master GIT committee and in addition includes the College Risk Officer, Student Life Compliance Officer, College Registrar and at least one faculty member. At large members may be nominated as needed. The ISC is chaired by the Information Security Administrator.
    • Academic Technology Advisory Committee, ATAC, has faculty representation from each School, at least one of whom sits on the GIT committee, as well as one or more members of the Instruction Technology team within ITS. ATAC is chaired by the Deputy Chief Information Officer.
    • Student Technology Advisory Team, STAT, is made up of students appoined by the Student Senate. STAT is chaired by one of the student representatives to GIT.
    • Administrative Systems Advisory Council, AdminSAC, has representatives from each major administrative department on campus and specifically includes the functional managers for each of the major components of our Banner ERP system. AdminSAC also includes at least one faculty member and at least one student. As with the other subcommittees, at least one member sits on the master GIT committee. AdminSAC is chaired by the Director of Administrative Systems.

GIT and its associated subcommittees are responsible for developing and maintaining the ITS Strategic and Operational Plans under the guidance of the CIO as well as approving IT policies and making resource allocation recommendations to the President and the President's Cabinet. Subcommittee recommendations go to the master committee for review and ratification.