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  1. Siena Style guide 
    • use this to see what each component looks like on our website
    • Most have Publish access – you make changes they go live on the website immediately
    • Some have edit access – you make changes, save them, a person with publish access to your area will need to approve the changes to make them go live.  Publishers will get notified in their dashboard
    • uses your Siena network username and password
    • will authenticate you if you are already logged into the browser
  5. Dashboard and tabs

  6. Pages and Files Tabs

  7. File Manager - File / Image Folders -
    this is where you will store images and files you want to link to.
      • Obey copyright laws – if you do not own or have the right to use don’t use it
      • Images and files must be uploaded first via the files tab. (can open another tab)
      • If you cannot find a specific folder you want in the upload area let me know. 
      • The **Global shared area has common images everyone can share (FB, Instagram, Siena logo)
      • You can use any pictures uploaded, but can only upload to your own area
      • If you need to update a file/image  REPLACE it rather than upload another version
        • Keep the file name the same - do not add words like revised or a date to the file to be uploaded
  8. Photos and files
    • Upload to the file / images to the The file manager (Files tab).  You are then able to link to them from multiple places.
      • When uploading images or file please use good naming conventions  
        • name & date SienaHall031518.jpg
        • emergency.pdf  not emergency final 7/13/2017.pdf  this allows for links to work when you upload a new version of the same file
    • Upload them within the editor to a page. Disabled
  9.  Image sizes
    • Header Images 1440 px x 740 px
    • Components
      • Homepage - Quote: 300 px x 300 px
      • Homepage - Feature: 1220 px x 686 px
      • Homepage - Visit / Apply: 980 px x 654 px
      • Media Gallery: 980 px x 740 px
      • Stats & Facts Card: ~50 px tall / wide (can vary, should be an icon)
      • Homepage and Callout Cards - Story Card: 740 px x 494 px
      • Topic Rows: 740 px x 740 px
      • What's Happening - Event: 500 px x 334 px
    • Modules
      • News: 740 px x 740 px for the image used in news listings and callouts
      • Faculty / Staff: 200 px x 300 px
      • Programs: ~50 px tall / wide (can vary, should be an icon)
      • Resources: ~50-80 px tall / wide (can vary, should be an icon)
      • Flex Callout 1440 px x 740 px
  10. Properties Tabs
      • shows status of page, age, and url of page
  11. Protected Pages
    • requires a valid Siena username and password to access the page
  12. Delete, Archive and moving Pages
    • Removes page from site access
    • once archived you can delete if you really want to get rid of it
    • If you need to move a page - contact Mitzi
  13. Hide a Page
    • properties tab uncheck visible in navigation
  14. Link to a Page in Navigation “in this section” 
          A link to another site/page (not maintained by you) in your navigation

  15. Thing to Avoid 
    • Under Construction

    • Click here

  16. Policies 
    All policies are being collected into one sortable area.   If you have a policy for the website notify Mitzi 
  17. Resource page
    This sortable page links to action items.  It can be sorted by audience or office category.  If you need something added contact Mitzi 

  1. Protected Files / secure files
    Only certain areas have access to this
    • Modules Tab
    • Protected Files
    • To Add a new file
      1. Select add protected file
      2. Give it a name – suggested to add a prefix to all your file so the group together ( HR-, OIE-, SP-)
      3. Upload the file
      4. Select the groups to have access
    • To Remove a file
      1. Find your file in the listing
      2. Select the X to delete the file
    • To Modify / replace a file
      1. Select the pencil
      2. Upload a new file that will overwrite the existing file
      3. Make sure groups are correct
      4. Save
    • To add a protected file to a page link
      1. Find your file in the list
      2. Click (several times) on the link url to the right of the file name to highlight entire link
      3. Copy link
      4. Paste link on page where you need it (button, text, linked list