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Academic Technology works with faculty to provide both pedagogical and technological assistance with a wide range of software and technology tools. The group’s purpose is to identify and fulfill learning technology needs in our virtual and physical teaching, learning, and research environments. We also provide technology consultations, one-on-one training, workshops, and other educational technology services to support teaching, course management, and research needs.
Academic Technology supports technology-enhanced learning spaces and instructional facilities. We install and maintain both the computing equipment and the audio-visual equipment in these physical environments. We provide design and configuration assistance to departments interested in developing instructional facilities within their locations. In addition, we also support the audio-visual needs throughout campus by delivering equipment to spaces that are not already equipped with technology. Special events such as conferences and guest speakers are also supported.
Our team of professionals can help you design, develop, and evaluate technology-enhanced learning experiences for today’s learners. We focus on partnerships—working with you to develop meaningful learning experiences and use the latest technologies to help learners.