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If you have trouble viewing or printing the forms please visit our office at Trustco Bank Center, Room 120 or contact Human Resources at 518-783-2420.  Below please find some of the most commonly requested forms.  Any forms relating to Benefits can be found on the Human Resources Benefits page.  All forms are available in the Office of Human Resources, and as always, we would be more than happy to assist you with any questions you may have.  All forms may be updated at anytime with or without advance notice. 

Human Resources Electronic Drop Box

Form(s) can be sent electronically to the Human Resources Office by uploading them via secure file submission using the following link: https://siena.dev.fastspot.com/HRFileSubmission (Please note, you must use your Siena account to upload documents via secure file submission.  Federal and State tax forms can not be submitted electronically, original signature required).  Please DO NOT email documents containing confidential personal information (i.e., date of birth, SSN, medical information, etc.) to the Human Resources Office.