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To login to the health portal 

TO complete YOUR Health Forms: 
  • Login into the health portalwww.siena.edu/healthportal
  • On the portal homepage in the green ribbon you should see a MY FORMS category, select it
  • You will then see the forms assigned to you to complete
  • select  the form you want to work on
  • fill in the details
  • upload any necessary documentation
  • Submit the form

You should receive a message stating your for was successfully submitted.

  • Login into the health portalwww.siena.edu/healthportal
  • At the login screen enter your Siena Username (include @siena.edu) and Password
  • On the portal homepage in the green ribbon you should see a DOCUMENT UPLOAD category, select it
  • From the dropdown select the document you wish to upload
  • Browse for the document on your device
  • Select the document
  • Save

You should receive a message stating your upload was successful.