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As we begin this new period of distance learning, our commitment to supporting students remains our top priority. We must all continue to support each other, even though we are not physically together. At this time, most college offices and student support services are operating remotely, with services available during normal business hours.
Public Safety continues to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be reached at 518-783-2376. If you run into any issues or need help connecting to campus services, they will do their best to assist you.
Community Living professionals are working remotely during normal hours of operation (8:30AM – 4:30PM) and after hours for urgent situations. During business hours please call 518-783-2919 and leave a message with your name and number and staff will respond as they are able. After hours, please contact Public Safety to speak with the Residence Director on call in an emergency. Housing Selection for 2020-2021 will continue as scheduled online.
Information Technology Services (ITS) will be open on weekdays (8:30AM-4:30PM). The Help Desk will also be available via email at helpdesk@siena.edu or by phone at 518-782-6000. Please leave a voicemail if no one answers the phone and staff will respond to your message.
Counseling Services is open on weekdays (8:30AM-4:30PM) and can be reached at 518-783-2342. Staff will be working remotely, so please call and leave a message with your name and phone number and your call will be returned as quickly as possible. Please contact Public Safety for urgent matters outside these times to connect with a counselor on call.
Health Services recommends that any student needing medical attention contact their physician at home and follow their instructions. Students and families who have specific questions for Health Services should contact Carrie Hogan, Director, Monday through Friday between 8:30AM-4:30PM at 518-783-2554.
Office of Health Promotion and its wellness opportunities remain here for you! Call 518-782-6209 or email Kate at kkaufmanburns@siena.edu. Virtual wellness walks-ins are available for individuals and groups, just call or email during our remote operation hours which are 8:30AM-4:30PM, Monday through Friday. Student wellness leaders are also available to you, and peer-to-peer support will continue. Reach out for more information about how to stay connected and BE WELL.
The Office of Accessibility is available for students with questions related to their academic accommodations. Please call 518-783-4239 and leave a message with your name and phone number and staff will respond to you.
Student Academic Support & Engagement (SASE) is available for academic questions and registration assistance. Please email the SASE office at studentsuccess@siena.edu. To request an individual tutor, please fill out the tutor request form. Stay tuned – we’re planning to offer walk-in Zoom appointments for schedule planning. Check the Daily Digest later this week for more information!
The Student Activities and Leadership Development professionals are working remotely during normal hours of operation (8:30AM-4:30PM.) During business hours, please call 518-783-2330 and leave a message with your name and number and staff will respond as they are able. You may also email activities@siena.edu and one of the team members will respond. Please keep on the lookout as the SALD team is planning a series of upcoming virtual events for our Siena community.
Student Life offices, which include access to the Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students and Associate Dean are available to speak with students or families about any issue that arise. A staff member can be accessed Monday through Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM by calling 518-783-2328. We ask that you leave your name, number, and nature of the inquiry so the most appropriate person will return your call.
All of us in Student Life are ready to assist you during this adjustment to a remote Siena learning experience. Although we are not together on our beautiful campus, every person at the College is prepared and willing to work with you in the spirit of what it means to be a Siena Saint.
Please contact us if you have questions and we will work to make sure we get you connected to the proper resources. Know that we care about you, we miss you, and we will all get through this.