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Dear Students,
We are writing to provide some additional information related to Dr. Madden’s email this morning regarding the move to online courses and the extension of time that you will be away from campus.
We recognize that some students may have left essential academic-related items in their residence hall rooms over break and now need to return to campus to collect those items.
Community Living has identified 8 time blocks over the next four days (Saturday, 3/14; Sunday 3/15; Monday, 3/16; and Tuesday, 3/17) for students to sign up to return to campus. The application form located in your Housing Portal will ask you to identify your top three preferences. Once submitted, Community Living Staff will respond via Siena email with your confirmed date and time for you to return to campus.
Please note: These 4 days are the only time when students will be able to return to campus before April 13. If you need to return to campus to collect essential academic items, you must sign up to return to campus during the available time periods.
The application is located in your Housing Portal under the “Applications” tab and is titled “Residence Hall Access Preferences”. Please identify your top three preferences and we will send you a confirmation via email later today with your confirmed date/time.
Adam Casler, Director of Community Living