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*The following message was sent to all resident students on Friday, April 24, 2020.
We hope that you and your family and friends are all staying safe and healthy. We are able to provide some updates and answers to frequently asked questions that we are receiving from residential students. Please be sure to review the information below in its entirety. If you have questions after reviewing this information, please email housing@siena.edu.
Housing, Meal Plan, and Laundry Refunds
Contact Office: Student Accounts (studentaccounts@siena.edu)
Refunds will be posted to student accounts on May 1. The housing and meal plan credit was calculated by computing the room and board time lost as a result of the pandemic related shutdown. If you currently have a balance due on your account, your refund will be used to offset the balance owed to the College. Any remaining credit on your account can be applied for future tuition, room and board OR if you would prefer a refund, we will include instructions in our email to you on May 1, once credits have been processed.
Retrieving Student Belongings from Residence Halls
Contact Office: Community Living (housing@siena.edu)
At this time, Siena continues to follow the NYS on Pause stay-at-home directives. We are regularly monitoring the situation, and once these restrictions are eased or lifted, Community Living will be in touch through your Siena email address with information on how to sign up for a date/time to return to campus to retrieve your belongings as we get more clarity from state and local officials. Spaces will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis via an online sign-up feature. We will be limiting the amount of people on campus at any given time to remain compliant with social distancing best practices and protocols.
Mail and Packages
Contact Office: Post Office (postoffice@siena.edu)
Emails are currently being sent to all students who have packages. If you still have a package(s) at the Siena College Post Office, please contact postoffice@siena.edu to discuss retrieval.
Here is the post from the March 17 Student Digest for reference.
Textbook Return
Contact Office: Siena Bookstore (rcalhoun@siena.edu)
All students should have received an email from the Bookstore with textbook information. Please click here to view that information.
Additional Questions
Please email housing@siena.edu and our staff will be able to direct you to the appropriate person or office to respond to any questions you may have.