Marching Forward
Marching Forward outlines Siena's ongoing response to COVID-19.
Siena Health Services (located in Townhouse Commons building - lower level)
We are here to provide Siena students with quality ambulatory health care. Our goal is to promote a healthy college community by prevention and surveillance of disease, promote student self-advocacy and wellness, and serve as a health care referral source for students.
Siena College Health Services is affiliated with . With nearly 12,500 employees in more than 165 locations, St. Peter's Health Partners provide high-quality, compassionate care to thousands of people every day across the greater Capital Region.
All students are eligible to be seen at Health Services, regardless of their insurance coverage.
Appointments and/or advise:
518-783-2554, option # 1
speak with the Triage Nurse
After Hours & Weekends
Call 518-783-2554, option # 5
to be connected with Public Safety
Contact Public Safety
dial 911 in case of an emergency
Marching Forward outlines Siena's ongoing response to COVID-19.
All Siena Student must submit health paperwork by the appropriate dates
Siena College contracted with CDPHP (Capital District Physicians Health Plan) to provide a Student Health Plan for those that need it
Transfer existing prescriptions from home pharmacies
Member of the American College Health Association
Siena College Health Services has been awarded full certification by the Joint Commission.
This is an independent national organization which sets healthcare standards and evaluates the quality of care given in hospitals and ambulatory care centers throughout the United States. Our commitment to maintain Joint Commission certification provides assurance of quality patient care.
Routine immunizations such as Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis, Hepatitis A and B, and PPD skin testing. In certain circumstances other immunizations.
Laboratory testing is available through the Health Services when ordered by a Health Services provider or by an off- campus clinician.
Our affiliation with St. Peter's Health Partners enables us to make referrals to a variety of physician specialists on an as needed basis.
Services such as exams for screening, nutrition counseling, health evaluation and more are provided.
Travel physicals are provided to students in the study abroad program, the biology summer of service program and with a service trip.