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Siena College students want to know what’s happening on campus. They want to know what students are doing. The Social Norms Campaign is designed to give students accurate feedback on the attitudes, behaviors and beliefs of their peers. Research across the county and over many years has shown that college students often misperceived how often and how much their peers drink. College students (Siena students included) report believing that their peers drink and use illegal drugs more often and in greater quantities than students actually report. This misperception may influence decision making and fuel high risk behavior. The Siena College Social Norms Campaign wants to paint an accurate picture of what students are doing on campus.
Smoking Marijuana. Not the Norm.
7 out of 10 Siena students say they typically never use marijuana.
[Source: Siena College Health Survey, Fall 2014 (n=930)]
Of those Siena students who say they smoke marijuana, almost half smoke marijuana no more than 1 to 2 times per year.
[Source: Siena College Health Survey, Fall 2014 (n=270)]
Binge Drinking. Not the Norm.
8 out of 10 Siena first year students do not engage in high-risk drinking. [*4+ drinks for women, 5+ drinks for me; Source: Siena College, MyStudentBody Annual Report, April 2015 (n=818 First Year Students)]
Almost half of Siena students say that they typically consume alcohol no more than twice a month. [n=991]
64% of Siena students say they consume, on average, less than 4 drinks when consuming alcoholic drinks (one drink is defined as a 12 oz. beer, a 4 oz. glass of wine, a shot of liquor or a mixed drink). [n=976]
[Source: Siena College Health Survey, Fall 2014]
You Can Only Have Fun If You Drink. Not the Norm.
Over 80% of Siena students say that in order to have a social life at Siena, a student does not need to drink. [n=926]
7 out of 10 Siena Students do not think Siena is a party school. [n=928]
8 out of 10 Siena students say that students at Siena respect you if you don’t drink alcohol. [n=930]
[Source: Siena College Health Survey, Fall 2014]
Unsafe Drinking Habits. Not the Norm.
First year Siena students report:
Eating before drinks – 76%
Tracking drinks – 76%
Pre-planning transportation – 93%
[Source: Siena College, MyStudentBody Annual Report, April 2015 (n=479 First Year Students)]
Uninvolved in the Siena Community. Not the Norm.
6 out of 10 Siena students are involved with an on-campus club and/or organization (government, social clubs, SEB, cultural clubs, etc.). [n=965]
4 out of 10 Siena students are involved with an on-campus co-curricular club or organization related to a major. [n=933]
4 out of 10 Siena students are involved with a service related club/organization/activity (Habitat for Humanity, Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy, Campus Action, Volunteer Ministries, Relay for Life, etc.) [n=941]
[Source: Siena College Health Survey, Fall 2014]