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Campus Resources

Are you looking to be happier, healthier, reduce your stress, understand your relationship with alcohol and other drugs better?

If so, wellness is the perfect place to start!  Stop by SSU 320, the office of Health Promotion, for a safe, non judgmental supportive start on your journey to well being. 


Campus Programming

  • Education and Outreach  

Siena College requires new and transfer students to take the EverFi Alcohol Edu Course.  This course is a nationally recognized on-line alcohol, marijuana, and sexual violence education program surveying students before, during and after the course. The goal of the alcohol course is to increase students' knowledge, decrease harmful behaviors, and provide information to help students make healthier decisions related to alcohol and marijuana.

  • Mental and Emotional Health

Suicide Prevention

Stress Reduction/Healthy Hangouts

  • Grief and Loss

Peer Grief Advocates are available to meet with students.

  • Spiritual Wellness
  • Healthy Relationships

Health Promotion partners with other offices on campus to offer programming