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sponsored research grants

Vera Eccarius-Kelly, PH.D., Professor of Political Science & International Relations

Received a Amplifying, Disseminating, and Increasing the Public Reach of Research and Practice grant for $2,000.  The grant is supported by Bringing Theory to Practice, Dr. Eccarius-Kelly will focus on filling in the gaps in our knowledge about what types of barriers exist in current college admission and administration policies in relation to refugee students. The proposed project involves interviews with resettled refugee students at various levels of experience (applicants, current students, graduates, and those who decided to interrupt their college experience).




Foundation Grants

SUmmer of service ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE program

$20,000 from the Dominic Ferraioli Foundation for the AMC Summer of Service program.  Students are required to perform two summers of service, one while at Siena and another while at Albany Medical College. These service activities will largely be done in areas where the population is underserved. The students may travel abroad or remain in the United States depending on their interests. This unique part of the program, combined with Siena's strong emphasis on a broad based scientific and liberal arts curriculum, gives our students a profound depth of knowledge, understanding, and compassion when they enter their medical careers. The Summer of Service typically lasts four to six weeks.