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Cost of Attendance is an estimate of the total amount it will cost a student to attend Siena for a year before financial aid is deducted. Most of our students pay much less than the listed tuition thanks to the $57,000 Scholarship Guarantee as well as scholarship and grant opportunities for Saints. The best way to get an estimate of your actual cost to attend Siena is by using the Net Price Calculator.

Cost of Attendance has two components: Direct Costs and Indirect Costs. Direct costs are charges billed directly to you by the College such as tuition, housing and food. Indirect Costs will not appear on your bill, but are estimated costs associated with going to college and should be included in your budget. These include items like books, transportation and personal expenses.

Freshman Cost of Attendance Resident Commuter
Siena Direct Charges    
Full Time Tuition (12-17 cred/sem*) $  42,580 $  42,580
Student Activity Fee $      300 $      300
Programming and Support Fee $      750 $      750
Laundry Fee $      130 $      -
First Year Seminar Fee $      280 $      280
Housing - Standard Double Room $    9,830 $      -
Food (premium meal plan) $    6,740 $      -
Freshman Orientation Charge** $      495 $      495
Major Lab Fees *** $      - $      -
Subtotal of Siena Direct Charges $  60,355 $  43,655
Siena Indirect Charges    
Commuter/Off-Campus Living Allowance $      - $    2,944
Books and Supplies $     1,293 $     1,293
Personal Expenses and Transportation $     2,472 $    3,091
Average Stafford Loan Fees $        70  $        70 
Subtotal of Siena Indirect Charges $    3,835 $    7,398
$  64,190 $  51,053

* Students enrolled for more than 17 credits/semester are assessed a $675/credit hour charge.
** Freshman Orientation Fee = $280 + Academic Advising Fee $165 + Transcript Fee $50 = $495
*** Average Science Lab Fees = $ 1,220       
      Average Business Lab Fees = $260