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Work Place Energy Tip

Install an Energy Star qualified programmable thermostat. This device gives you the opportunity to optimize your Hvac system. This smart thermostat can turn down your HVAC system when you are not home and can turn it on before you arrive back home.

Campus Temperature Set Points

 Office and Building temperatures - Cooling 76 ° / Heating 67 °

Housing and Dorm temperatures - Cooling 74° / Heating 68 °



Home Energy Tip

Water heating can account for 14% to 25% of the energy consumed in your home. Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120°F).

Siena Is Conserving Energy

  • LED Lighting
  • Energy Star Appliances
  • Heating & Cooling Set Points
  • Strategic Energy Procurement Practices
  • Solar Heating – Trustco Bank Center
  • Geothermal Solar Building – Rosetti Hall
  • Geothermal Building - Gioia Hall