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Since the founding of Siena College in 1937, our graduates have acknowledged that student life outside the classroom plays a pivotal role in the total educational experience. Through offering opportunities to nurture religious and spiritual growth, providing a wide range of student activities, and furnishing a full spectrum of student services, we strive to create a setting in which personal growth can take place, deep friendships can be formed, and leadership can be exercised on behalf of the broader community.
Siena College‘s philosophy of student conduct is grounded in fostering students‘ skills and their understanding of how to live responsibly in a community. The College focuses on the growth and development of the individual within the greater context of the community. Disciplinary procedures and penalties for violations of rules and regulations are designed for moral and ethical development, while protecting the College community so it may pursue its stated mission. Conduct that disrupts the community will be addressed appropriately.
The Franciscan values DORS (diversity, optimism, respect and service) is often used as a framework for addressing student misconduct. Siena College considers members of its community to be mature individuals who are responsible for establishing and accepting appropriate standards of conduct. Each person is expected to conduct himself/herself in accordance with the College regulations and applicable local, state and federal laws, and particularly to respect the rights of other members of the community.
In light of our unique educational mission, the College strives to provide students with a fair process for adjudicating allegations of violations appropriate to the campus setting.
The Dean of Students Office is responsible for handling incidents of student and student group misconduct. The dean of students (DOS) is the chief student conduct officer for the College and, as such, oversees the student conduct review process. Any question of interpretation regarding the Code of Conduct and/or conduct review procedures shall be referred to the vice president for student life (VPSL), DOS or designee, or associate dean of students for final determination.
Those situations in which the College invokes its right to terminate a student‘s registration and require the student to leave campus immediately upon review of the situation by the VPSL or designee are not subject to the conduct review process as outlined below and the decision of the VPSL is final and not subject to appeal.