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Tell the student you are concerned for her/his welfare or safety.
- Discuss specific, observable behaviors that have made you concerned (“You’ve missed some classes, your grades are dropping”).
- Avoid diagnosing or blaming.
- Anticipate reluctance and be positive about getting help.
- Research is strongly supportive of counseling being helpful in reducing distress.
- Counseling Center is free and confidential.
- There is no shame in asking for help. Getting help means you are taking responsibility and know what you need.
- Students mistakenly believe their problems “aren’t as bad as everyone else’s problems.” We see students with all varieties and severities of problems.
- Leave the option open, even if the student won’t commit to counseling.
- If they are willing to make an appointment but need some support, consider calling with them (518-783-2342). You may also walk the student to the Counseling Center to schedule an appointment during normal business hours. If you feel the student is in crisis and it is after normal business hours, please call Public Safety (518-783-2999) to reach the after-hours provider.
- Follow up with the student about how they are doing at a later date.