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In the 2022-2023 Academic Year, 433 Unique Students were served which is approximately 12% of Siena College's student body.
According to 2022-2023 Counseling Center data gathered from the session-by-session symptom tracking tool (CCAPS):
- Siena clinicians were able to reduce symptoms for our students beyond the national average reduction on all assessed domains.
- 87% of students who reported some suicidal ideation pre-treatment decreased their SI score at post-treatment.
Common reasons to schedule an appointment include:
- Anxiety and/or Panic Attacks
- Depressed Mood
- Grief
- Relationship problems with family, peers, or significant others
- Substance Use / Abuse
- Suicidal thoughts
- Traumatic experiences
- Students have varying goals when coming to counseling, but the most common goals include:
Symptom reduction (e.g., “I want to be less depressed.”).
- Learn coping strategies / develop healthy habits (e.g., “I need to take better care of myself.”).
- Change a problematic behavior (e.g., “I would like to be less irritable with others.”).
- Receive support (e.g., “A family member passed away, and I need someone to talk to.”).
- Assessment (e.g., “I want to know if I have a problem with alcohol.”).
Some students are nervous about their first meeting with a clinician (psychologist, licensed mental health counselor, psychiatrist, etc.). If it would be helpful to learn more about our Counseling Center staff click here.
Here’s what usually happens at the first meeting:
- Please budget 20 minutes to complete online paperwork at any time prior to your appointment. Paperwork should be completed on the same day as your appointment is scheduled. The paperwork focuses on what brings you to counseling and some demographic information.
- Your clinician will review confidentiality and discuss with you the concern(s) that are bringing you in. They will also ask some background questions about your eating, sleeping, etc., as these habits can affect mental health.
- At the end of the session, you will discuss whether you want to continue counseling and if so, what you want to work on. (Some people aren’t sure about their goals, which is ok. Sometimes they become more clear over time or change as life situation changes).
Additional Information for Zoom Appointments
- You will get a Zoom invite and a link for needed online paperwork within 24 hours before your appointment from the Counselor you will be meeting with at the Counseling Center.
- Please complete the paperwork before you attend your Zoom appointment. Your clinician might delay the meeting if the paperwork is not completed.
- The center uses Zoom for Telehealth which is HIPAA compliant (i.e., the software takes additional precautions to protect your confidentiality).
- Your Zoom meeting will not be recorded. If you are working with a practicum student, that individual might request to record the sessions for training purposes. Any recordings are not kept as part of the permanent file.
- Please find a private location for your Zoom appointment so you will not be disturbed. If you need a private location, the Counseling Center has a room available on campus for this purpose. Please contact us to inquire about availability (518-783-2342). Additionally, the Library has rooms available for reservation.
All meetings with a clinician will be scheduled for 50 minutes, unless the student and clinician agree on a shorter meeting time (e.g., 30 minutes).