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Siena College is committed to the proper implementation of all federal, state, and local legislation in an ever-evolving complex regulatory environment while maintaining the traditions and values of the institution's mission. Compliance is central to the institution's identity as a Franciscan and Catholic College. This institution aims to affirm the dignity of the individual while pursuing the common good, which parallels the goals and intentions of legal compliance. In order to build a just, peaceable and humane world, Siena College fosters a safe environment by upholding the ethics and principles ordained through legal avenues.

Other Resources

Health Insurance

Per Siena College policy, all full-time students must have health insurance coverage for routine and non-emergency care in the Albany area. 

Student Life Training Compendium

The Training Compendium is restricted to Student LIfe Staff members only. Student Life staff members may submit completed training materials to the Training Compendium.

The Compendium is password protected.

Siena College Compliance Directory

A resource for Siena College faculty, administrators, staff and students seeking assistance with compliance related matters.