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  1. Log into your Housing Portal (Application will be available in April 2023)
  2. Under the 'Applications' tab, complete the Summer 2023 Housing Application

Summer Housing is billed on a Sunday-Saturday basis.  When selecting your move-in date, be sure to note that if you select a Friday or Saturday move-in date you will be charged for that full week's housing.  Please try to plan your move-in for a Sunday or Monday.

Please make sure you are communicating with internship supervisors, employers, etc. so you can arrange your hours/commitments to be completed by Friday, July 28, 2023.  (Note: For some Siena students, especially those participating in internships, housing beyond July 28th, 2023 may be possible on a case by case basis. Please contact housing@siena.edu to discuss this in more detail.)